Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Long, Drawn Out Post About Pish You Don't Care About.

Here's a list of completely random crap, of which, I know you just CANNOT live without knowing. *sarcasm*
1. I'm currently having to listen to and watch my 19 year old, senile cat lick himself, and it makes me want to puke.
2. "Duh, WINNING."
3. My favorite song is "Where Is My Mind?" by the Pixies.
4. I will never be able to take anybody who spells poorly on purpose's opinions seriously.
5. Do people work for a living in hippie communes? How do they even pay for the land they're using? Are they just squatting there until they get caught?
6. I am probably the only person on this hemisphere who doesn't have texting. And you know what? It's completely fine with me.
7. I am not a lesbian. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a lesbian, but I'm just putting it out in the world, so that people will know. Also, James Franco, I'm available.
8. Speaking of James Franco, I didn't even know they made men like that anymore. Mmmm.
9. The "Love of My Life" turned out to be a stoner with a possible meth addiction. I have SUCH a great taste in men, no?
10. I wish I had the world's first hovercraft, so that I wouldn't have to deal with traffic. I could just fly over them and laugh at them like the Count from Sesame Street.
11. I like architecture from the 1920s-40s. I wish people still built buildings like that.
12. I only give change to homeless people when they cut the BS out of their sob stories and just simply say, "I'm hungry," or "I need cigarettes and beer." I also do the same to the people who ask for gas money at gas stations.
13. I am not below running over small children at Walmart with my basket. Let this serve as a warning to you, so next time, you won't bring your 40 kids and have them completely congest the bread aisle.
14. I hate almost everybody, but I hate disappointing them.
15. I am now accepting money donations for my octopus tattoo. I so badly desire to have it, but alas, we cannot be, as I am merely a pauper. :(
16. My brother just fell asleep on my floor while attempting to get me to play Wii with him. I'm pretty sure I won this one, brathole.
17. I write poetry! But it sucks, and you will never ever read it! Mwahahahaha! Well, unless you ask, and I'll probably let you, but the entire time your reading it,  I'll be telling you it sucks because I really have no sense of self appreciation.
19. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

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