Thursday, February 10, 2011

7 Reasons to Not Like Amarillo Texas

1. The "Art Scene" is just a bunch of freaks in plaid trying to shock the inbred hillbillies of Amarillo. Enough with the penises and Jesus pictures. WE GET IT.
2. Two words: Repent Amarillo.
3. No one can drive to save their life. "What's this? A car's coming, and they have the right away? Well, let me just pull out infront of them, because my mother dropped me on my head when I was a baby."
4. Over half of them can't tell you who George Washington was, let alone, their own first name.
5. It either smells like dead grass, cow poop or diesel gas and never just...air.
6. Apparently, it's still the 1600's in terms of our religious views. She's a witch!
7. No one knows what birth control is.

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