Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My house was thisclose to burning down today. And weirdly, I was more concerned about my pugs' safety than losing all of my belongings and important documents. Pugs>Life. Just saying. Anyways, I also have to take "Interpersonal Communication." Which means I actually have to interact with the general public and care about their feelings. Bleh. It's not that I don't care about people, because honestly, I really do, but I want my care to be sincere, and not a class assignment. But I weirded out my whole class today anyway, so chances are they probably won't ever talk to me again. Their loss. OH! And I'm going to see the Hangover II tonight, at midnight. Pros: It could be funny. Cons: I have a dentist appointment at 9 tomorrow morning, and I have to get my brother up at 6:20 a.m. FUN FUN FUN, YEAH! :)

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