Monday, May 2, 2011

Me Coldheartedly making fun of people in my class:

1. Hair Girl in Psychology: If you continue to toss your funknasty crunchy hair all over MY desk, I will take action. With scissors. And Gorrilla Glue. And feathers. And Googly eyes.
2. Snot Guy in Psychology: Stop loudly snorting up your snot like the redneck you are. It obviously isn't helping. Get a box of Kleenex- it will work wonders. Also, it creeps my friend out that you know her name, and she doesn't know how. Stop.
3. Less-than-Superman in Art History: WTF you're like in your mid 30s. Stop pretending you are superman by wearing your Superman visor, Superman shirts, Superman jacket, and Superman pajama pants. Seriously? Do you have no other pants? Is it wrong to think that you'd wear those damn things to a funeral? Sweet James, man.
4. Loud as Hell Girl in Art History: You arrive late and walk like a hippo with clubbed feet, then you plop down in your desk, hurl your bag that's apparently filled with bricks and animal carcasses on the floor, proceed to go through your papers frantically, like you've actually taken notes, then your cell phone goes off playing ICP bullshaz, and all the while I secretly want to punch you in the face.
5. Creepy Couple in TX Govt: Do you even wipe your butts without eachother?! Seriously. The world will not implode in on itself if you guys aren't around eachother for two damn seconds. It's weird. Weird even for me. And quit staring at me. That's even weirder.
7. Girl that Asks Legitimately Stupid Questions in Art History: Not only are your inquiries COMPLETELY irrelevant to the artwork at hand, but they are completely the most insipid things to ever come crawling out of someone's mouth. SHUT UP.

I'm mean. That's probably why I only have like 4 friends. Ugh. :I

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