Thursday, May 5, 2011

You're Just JEALOUS!

So, apparently this blog has just become me ranting about the douchebags of society and their actions. Oh well, it is what it 'tis. Anyway, my topic for the day is jealousy. :)
First of all, I hate the phrase, "they're just mean to you because they're jealous." Really? Maybe they're mean to you because you're annoying. Stop hovering around them like a nat hovers around rotting fruit, and maybe they won't be so mean to you. They don't like you? GET A CLUE and find someone that does. Can't find anyone? Maybe you should start wearing deodorant, it works wonders. It's that easy.
And the whole, "Look at those girls flirting with my boyfriend" or vice-versa, thing. Really? I especially find this entertaining when your "significant other" asks you to stop flirting with other people and then you say "I can do whatever I want. You don't own me." Which is true, but it should also work the other way around, too. You're his/her boy/girlfriend, not their gestapo officer. Stop being jealous about that stuff. We're young and free and animals with too many pheromones. It's natural.
I really just lost my train of thought now, because I'm at work and someone's running our banshee/dinosaur hybrid of a copy machine. Dammit. Oh well.

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